Hope everyone had a great weekend ! Here’s another look from the weekend past filled with more love for the summer. I immediately grabbed this skirt off the rack when I saw it in Nordstrom without an occassion to wear it to and “saved” it for almost three months. I am a sucker for “poofy” skirts and especially one with a loud floral print. If you look through my Instagram, you can see the prevalent poofy skirt trend in my pictures. This look was for a birthday party for the pastor of my church and he was celebrating his big 60. Every year the whole ministry gathers to honor and celebrate his life.
Initially for this look, I was going to go with a black top & keep it all dark, those were my winter instincts. Thanks to a friend, I decided to go with a white top, which is a hidden crop, to go with the spring weather. Keeping the look, simple and classic I choose my all black So Kate’s and of course once again . . . I grabbed my neon clutch, which I can’t seem to put down. For a fair warning, the next outfit post will include it again. But I’ve come to the conclusion that my obsessions, serves a purpose, by showing how versatile a bright accessory can be. 😉 Grab a bright acessory and make it work as much as you can ladies !