Dress: Urban Outfitters / Sunglasses: Forever21 / Shoes: Vans / Earrings: Aldo (Zara has a similar pair)/Necklace: Aldo Shoes
Spring is a little late, but its finally here. Hopefully no more snow or sleet to rain on our parade. Cheers to late sunsets, ice cream dates and spending time with the people we love. The warmer weather is also a reminder of how fast the year has flown by, bittersweet I know. But the new season is always an anecdote for seasonal depression, warming up everyone’s facial expressions and smiles and nothing excites me more.
As time flies right by us, in the last few months, I’ve made an observation about 2018 that I felt like sharing and I would love to hear your opinion on. 2017, for a lot of people, was a challenging year, where unknown factors of life came at every direction and direction in itself was unclear for many. It was kind of “role with the punches” kind of year. As the new season is blooming I feel like 2018 is too.
Here we are about five months in 2018, as I observe my own life and those around me, I notice everyone is at the “transition” phase. We’ve overcome 2017. We’re in a place where we are trying to figure out whats next and willingly working towards it. What’s next is new and still uncertain but its a choice of proactively attempting to “level up”. Our futures are blossoming and its a beautiful thing.
Whats around the corner is new, its uncomfortable because its unfamiliar, its change.Its an awkward place to be but we don’t grow where we’re comfortable. What’s to come will be a beautiful thing. Remember, there is no victory without a battle. So keep pushing through, step outside of your comfort zone, apply for that job, enroll in that class, update that resume, put down that down payment, send that text, do what needs to be done to get what you want to manifest. Bloom, into your Spring!
And if your like me, we tend to pray about what we want to manifest but “faith without works is dead“. We could spend 23 hours out of the day praying but if we don’t give God something to work with . . . well you get it.
And of course, the outfit. Of course the floral pattern goes with the season and topic, flowers = spring. I paired this extremely girly dress with a clean pair of white vans to keep the focus on the dress since it says A LOT. The round (ray-ban vibe) sunglasses for a vintage vibe. As you know, everything from back in the day is making its way back. All the links and details are above.
Let me know what you guys think about the look and the topic of discussion.