Bringing the 90’s Back : Turtle Neck Obsession

As a kid, they were the ugliest and the most uncomfortable thing to wear. I’m sure as a kid we were all forced to wear them, especially here in Boston with our long winters. Since the early fall season, Turtle Neck’s have tip toed their way back into collections and I especially  have allowed Turtle Neck’s to make their way into my closet since the 90’s. I call them the perfect 90’s lovin’ look. I have two in every single neutral color.The ribbed fabric versions, which allow for texture mixing and play, sweaters and sleeveless sweaters are also fun. My newest obsession is also the minimalist look and turtle necks are perfect for the clean slate vibe, whether casual or slightly dressed up.

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Hat : H&M / Ribbed TurtleNeck: F21 / Shoes: Nike Roshe / Black Jeans : H&M/ Bomber: TailoredbyTay / Watch : Michael Kors

With a neutral gray turtle neck a night time look can be a easy with a jacket and shoe swap.

Jacket : Not Sure Shoes: Steve Madden

Jacket : TJ Maxx /  Shoes: Steve Madden

With the same neutral gray turtle neck a completely different look can be made playing with textures and more neutral colors. Mixing neutrals is my new favorite thing to do.

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Jacket TJ Maxx / Skirt: H&M / Shoes: Steve Madden  / Watch: Michael Kors



  1. Moiara
    January 13, 2015 / 4:16 PM

    Love it!!!!

  2. Lisa
    February 6, 2015 / 12:24 AM

    Love your style!

    • Virtuess Blog
      October 26, 2015 / 9:32 AM

      Thank you lovie !!

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